We make our communities better through leadership, partnership and service. That is our goal. A global service organization founded in 1917, Altrusa International, Inc. is relevant to many civic-minded people who are interested in creating better communities. Last year, Altrusans proudly gave over a million volunteer hours around the world, including clubs in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, England, Bermuda, Ireland, India, New Zealand and Russia. We attract civic-minded leaders who want to better their communities by addressing local needs. We currently have approximately 9,000+ members in 9 countries. Through the Altrusa International Foundation, Altrusans fund projects in the areas of literacy, disaster relief and HIV/AIDS.

The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization. Focusing on service to veterans, servicemembers and communities, the Legion evolved from a group of war-weary veterans of World War I into one of the most influential nonprofit groups in the United States. Membership swiftly grew to over 1 million, and local posts sprang up across the country. Today, membership stands at nearly 2 million in more than 13,000 posts worldwide. The posts are organized into 55 departments: one each for the 50 states, along with the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, France, Mexico and the Philippines.
Over the years, the Legion has influenced considerable social change in America, won hundreds of benefits for veterans and produced many important programs for children and youth.

American Mensa has over 50,000 members and an operating budget of $4.1 million. Founded in 1960, the only qualification for membership is a score in the top two percent of the general population on a standardized intelligence test. The Mensa Foundation supports research, scholarships and other activities around the world.

The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. (AJLI) is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.Since its founding in 1901 by social activist Mary Harriman, The Junior League has evolved into one of the oldest, largest and most effective women's volunteer organizations in the world, encompassing 150,000 women in 291 Leagues in four countries.

Assistance League is a national nonprofit organization in the United States with over 120 chapters dedicated to providing accessibility and fulfillment of community needs at the local level. Each chapter focuses on helping their community with philanthropic programs ranging from donating classroom supplies, clothing and books, to supplying teddy bears to law enforcement to give to traumatized children, and providing Assault Survival Kits of new clothing at hospitals for rape victims.
Assistance League was established in 1919 by the philanthropic efforts of Anne Banning and Ada Edwards Laughlin to form Assistance League of Southern California. Anne Banning, was a leading philanthropist of her time, with a mission to aid families in distress as a result of World War I. Her vision to provide service to all in need, regardless of their race, religion or culture, laid the foundation for the future of the organization.
Civitan International, founded in 1917 and based in Birmingham, Alabama is dedicated to serving individual and community needs with an emphasis on helping people with developmental disabilities. Civitan International is comprised of member clubs organized in communities across the United States and 37 countries all working to assist those affected by intellectual and developmental disabilities through direct financial support and hands on projects. Civitan Foundation sponsors the Civitan International Research Center at UAB medical school in Birmingham with its 300+ staff of faculty and researchers.

Cosmopolitan International was founded in 1918 in Kansas City, Missouri as a civic service club. Since the early 1970’s, Cosmopolitan has been dedicated to the fight against diabetes. To that end, Cosmo members and clubs have established several internationally recognized centers that are striving for the cure of this dreaded disease. The first center established is located at the University of Missouri at Columbia, MO and has been recognized for many major advances in the treatment of diabetic patients. Since that time, Cosmos have established centers at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, The Cosmopolitan Fund for Children in Sioux Falls, SD, the Cornbelt Diabetes Connection in Nebraska and Iowa, have partnered with the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada as well as a host of local programs and clinic support. Cosmopolitan has been a part of the development of most major advances in the care of diabetic patients and continues to support research for a cure both at our centers and beyond.

Since 1915 Kiwanis clubs, located in 75 nations, have helped their communities in countless ways. Each community’s needs are different — so each Kiwanis club is different. By working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone. When you give a child the chance to learn, experience, dream, grow, succeed and thrive, great things happen. Service is at the heart of every Kiwanis Club, no matter where in the world it’s located. Members stage nearly 150,000 service projects and raise nearly US$107 million every year for communities, families and projects. Kiwanis Clubs focus on changing the world by serving children, one child and one community at a time. To do this, many clubs also sponsor a Kiwanis family — K-Kids for primary school children; Builders Clubs for adolescents; Key Clubs for teens; CKI clubs for university students and Aktion Clubs for adults living with disabilities — to reach more people and have a greater service impact on their communities.

Lions Clubs International is the largest service club organization in the world. Our 1.42 million members in more than 47,000 clubs are serving in over 200 countries and geographic areas around the globe. Since 1917, Lions have strengthened local communities through hands-on service and humanitarian projects, and we are able to extend our service impact through the generous support of our Lions Clubs International Foundation. We are focused on supporting sight, hunger, the environment, childhood cancer and our new global cause, diabetes, to help address some of the biggest challenges facing humanity. Lions have set an ambitious goal of helping 200 million people per year so we can bring even more service to more people than ever before. For more information about Lions Clubs International, visit lionsclubs.org.

Moose is an international organization or men and women, dedicated to caring for young and old, brining communities closer together and celebrating life.

Founded in 1922, National AMBUCS, Inc. is a national charitable service organization, dedicated to creating mobility and independence for people with disabilities. Programs include the AmTryke Therapeutic Tricycle program, Scholarships for Therapists, ramp building, and myriad other community service projects.

Founded in 1911, The National Exchange Club exclusively serves communities in the United States and Puerto Rico. With local-level clubs throughout the country, Exchange provides members opportunities to use their time and talents to benefit their communities, and the country as a whole, through projects in Americanism, Community Service, Youth Programs, and its National Project - the prevention of child abuse. Through the organization’s Mission, members inspire communities to become better places to live, working toward a Vision of, a strong America, safe communities, and unified people.

Optimist Clubs around the world are dedicated to "Bringing Out the Best in Kids." Adult volunteers join Optimist Clubs to conduct positive service projects in their communities aimed at providing a helping hand to youth. With their upbeat attitude, Optimist Club members help empower young people to be the best that they can be.

Founded in Macon, GA in 1921 on the principles of “Friendship and Service,” Pilot International is home to over 16,000 adult and youth members in clubs across the US, The Bahamas, Canada, Japan, Singapore and South Africa. Committed to “Do More, Care More, and Be More,” for their communities every day, Pilots provide financial and hands-on support for numerous national and local initiatives in the areas of Brain Safety & Fitness, Caring for Families in Times of Need and Youth Leadership & Development through our vibrant Anchor Club program.

Rotary’s main objective is service — in the community, in the workplace, and around the globe. The 1.2 million Rotarians who make up more than 34,000 Rotary clubs in nearly every country in the world share a dedication to the ideal of Service Above Self. Rotary clubs are open to people of all cultures and ethnicities and are not affiliated with any political or religious organizations.

Ruritan is a civic service organization made up of local clubs in urban areas, small towns and rural communities. Founded in 1928, Ruritan's purpose is to create a better understanding among people and through volunteer community service, make America's communities better places in which to live and work. Club membership represents a cross-section of the community in which the club serves, and is not restrictive with regard to occupation, social position, or any other specific criteria. Unlike most civic service organizations, Ruritan rarely has national programs. Rather, each club surveys its own community as to the needs of that community and then works to meet some of those needs.

For more than 100 years Sertoma, as a collection of people acting as one, creates change for the betterment of all. Our collective voice has no power or influence if others can’t hear it. Our passion is to create a world where everyone who chooses can hear us. That passion compels us to raise awareness of our cause, educate those willing to understand, and support those whose lives can be improved through better hearing health. For all of our organizational structures, past, present and future, the constant is and will be to serve our communities and to improve the lives of those who need our help.

Soroptimist is an international organization for business and professional women who work to improve the lives of women and girls, in local communities and throughout the world. One of four federations that form Soroptimist International, members contribute time and financial support to communitybased and international projects that benefit women and girls. The name, Soroptimist, means “best for women,” and that`s what the organization strives to achieve. Soroptimists are women at their best, working to help other women to be their best.

Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of meeting locations. Headquartered in Rancho Santa Margarita, California, the organization's membership is 313,000 strong, with 14,650 clubs in 126 countries.. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people of all backgrounds become more confident in front of an audience.

The United States Junior Chamber exists for active young citizen’s ages 18-40 who bring energy and insight to solving problems locally and around the world. WE believe we can and should address the needs of others. Becoming a member of the Jaycees is a step in the right direction of you are looking to branch out, meeting new people, become a civic leader, find new challenges, develop professional skills and make new connections locally, nationally and internationally. Our mission is to empower young active citizens to create positive change in their communities. Our members offer targeted, sustainable solutions that achieve results. From poverty to illiteracy to the UN Millennium Development Goals, our members tackle serious issues without hesitation. The Jaycees is an international organization. Junior Chamber International is our international arm with nearly 200,000 young active citizens and over five million alumni—including several world leaders. JCI chapters are spread over more than 5,000 local communities and over 100 countries around the world.

The Women’s Overseas Service League is the only national patriotic organization for all women who have served overseas in or with the U.S. armed forces. It was formed in 1921 by women who served overseas during World War I. From its founding, WOSL members have remained committed to the concept of patriotic service, which continues to be the heart of the organization. Members fulfill the purpose of the organization by supporting, through donations and volunteer service, a variety of charitable projects throughout the nation, such as VA hospitals, Red Cross, USO, Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, Operation SAM care packages, and many others. In 1946, WOSL became one of the first non-governmental organizations to have an accredited observer at the United Nations, and to support the founding of UNICEF. Today, authorized representatives of WOSL regularly attend briefings at the UN in New York City.

Founded in Toledo, Ohio, USA, in 1922 to support a local YMCA, Y’s Men’s International (YMI) is a worldwide fellowship of persons of all faiths working together in mutual respect and affection, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, and with a common loyalty to the Young Men’s Christian Association, striving through active service to develop, encourage and provide leadership to build a better world for all mankind. Since Y’s men international has been given a special consultative status with the council of UN ECOSOC,YMI has been focused on the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) project according to UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as an international project and has been operated with the International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) in African countries.

Founded in 1919, Zonta International is a global organization of executives and professionals working together to advance the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy. With 30,000+ members belonging to nearly 1,200 Zonta Clubs in 66 countries, Zontians all over the world volunteer their time, talents and support to local and international service projects, as well as scholarship programs aimed at fulfilling Zonta`s mission and objectives.